Student Programs
Student Hotel Accommodation – Roommate Assistance • Name • Institution / Company / Affiliation • Gender • Email address • Phone number (optional) Please submit all requests by March 15, 2017. It is your responsibility to contact prospective roommates and to make the hotel arrangements. Individuals should conduct their own appropriate inquiries or screenings. Hotel reservations can be made directly at this link. A lower rate is being offered, for qualified students, while our room block lasts. Please contact Sallie Kne ( for details on making hotel reservations at student discounted rate. AACC, AIAA, AIChE, APS, ASCE, ASME, IFAC, IEEE, ISA, SIAM, SCS, and the members of the Organizing Committee assume no responsibility for your arrangements. The following conditions are required for support: • The applicant must have been enrolled as a student at the 2017 ACC paper submission deadline (September 19, 2016). • The applicant must register for the conference and present a paper. • The applicant must stay at the conference hotel to be eligible for partial lodging support. Application for student travel support must be made by the student (only) by FEBRUARY 28, 2017. Applicants will be notified of the outcome on or about MARCH 13, 2017. Unfortunately, the 2017 American Control Conference may not be able to extend the travel support to all qualified students, due to a limited support budget. The appications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. For those whose Student Travel Application is approved, the 2017 ACC will cover the cost of advance student registraion ($235) plus $300 to partially cover the hotel expense. • Students should not register for the conference until they have been notified of the outcome of their application. The conference registration process may be different for supported students. • Hotel partial support is for the conference hotel only (Sheraton Seattle Hotel) and $300 will be paid directly to Sheraton. Students are responsible for making their own reservation at Sheraton and for paying the balance to the hotel at checkout. Early hotel reservation is recommended. Detailed instructions for registration will be sent to you together with the support approval letter. The application process is as follows: 1. Download and complete the application form: Download in PDF format or Download in MS Word format. 2. A brief letter of support from the student’s academic advisor will also be required in the process, verifying the student status of the applicant. 3. Go to PaperPlaza and click on “Submit a Contribution to 2017 ACC.” 4. Scroll down to the Student Travel Award Application, and hit “Submit”. 5. Upload and submit the completed application consisting of the completed application form from Step 1, and the advisor’s letter from Step 2. You will receive an e-mail confirmation that your application has been received. If you do not receive confirmation within 48 hours, contact the ACC 2017 Vice Chair for Student Affairs, Prof. Konstantinos Tsakalis by email at In March you will be informed whether you are eligible for support. Student Best Paper Award Curriculum Vita Review for PhD Candidates This special session is geared towards PhD candidates within 1-2 years of degree completion who are interested in strengthening their CVs prior to entering the job market. The session will begin with a short overview of what constitutes a strong CV, followed by 10-minute one-on-one reviews between PhD students and faculty and/or industry hiring managers. PhD candidates will be required to sign up in advance to have their CV reviewed – see instructions below.Preference in sign up will be given to those students who have already passed their preliminary exam (i.e. exam prior to the final defense), and second priority to students who are official PhD candidates (i.e. have passed their qualifying exam). We believe that students should be on clear path towards degree completion, but also have sufficient time to act on the feedback they receive to strengthen their CVs before they go on the job market. Note that the initial overview is open to anyone and does not require prior registration. The registration process is only required if a student is interested in a one-on-one review of their CV. |
Registration Instructions: |
FirstName LastName CV,
John Doe CV
Doe_John_CV.pdf |
The deadline to register and submit CVs is April 30, 2017. Students will be notified one week before ACC of whether or not they were selected for the one-on-one reviews along with the time and location of their review (if selected). Reviewers will be provided with the CVs in advance and encouraged to mark them up prior to their one-on-one meeting with the student so that the 10 minutes can be used for discussion. |